

R8503 is postal code in Río Negro Argentina. The elevation of the place is 55 m.

Río Negro
Locality Latitude Longitude
Chocori -40.133299 -64.375
Colonia La Luisa -40.133299 -64.375
Colonia San Juan -40.133299 -64.375
Coronel Francisco Sosa -40.133299 -64.375
El Porvenir -40.1 -64.4333
General Conesa -40.1 -64.4333
Ingenio San Lorenzo -40.133299 -64.375
La Carolina -40.133299 -64.375
La Flecha -40.133299 -64.375
Luis M Zagaglia -40.1 -64.4333
Nueva Carolina -40.133299 -64.375
Rincon de Gastre -40.133299 -64.375
San Juan -40.133299 -64.375
San Lorenzo -40.166699 -64.316698
San Simon -40.133299 -64.375
Travesia Castro -40.133299 -64.375