
4892 is postal code in Queensland Australia. The elevation of the place is 204 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Abingdon Downs -17.637991 143.456879
Arbouin -17.637991 143.456879
Archer River -17.637991 143.456879
Aurukun -17.637991 143.456879
Bellevue -17.637991 143.456879
Coen -17.637991 143.456879
Dixie -17.637991 143.456879
Edward River -17.637991 143.456879
Gamboola -17.637991 143.456879
Groganville -17.637991 143.456879
Gununa(PO Boxes) -17.637991 143.456879
Highbury -17.637991 143.456879
Holroyd River -17.637991 143.456879
Kowanyama -17.637991 143.456879
Lakefield -17.637991 143.456879
Laura -17.637991 143.456879
Lizard -17.637991 143.456879
Lockhart -17.637991 143.456879
Lockhart River -17.637991 143.456879
Lyndside -17.637991 143.456879
Maramie -17.637991 143.456879
Mount Mulgrave -17.637991 143.456879
Palmer -17.637991 143.456879
Pormpuraaw -17.637991 143.456879
Ravensworth -17.637991 143.456879
Red River -17.637991 143.456879
South Wellesley Islands -17.637991 143.456879
Staaten -17.637991 143.456879
Wellesley Islands -17.637991 143.456879
West Wellesley Islands -17.637991 143.456879
Wrotham -17.637991 143.456879
Yagoonya -17.637991 143.456879
Yarraden -17.637991 143.456879