
6225 is postal code in Western Australia Australia. The elevation of the place is 247 m.

Western Australia
Locality Latitude Longitude
Allanson -33.349155 116.273476
Bowelling -33.349155 116.273476
Buckingham -33.349155 116.273476
Cardiff -33.349155 116.273476
Collie -33.349155 116.273476
Collie Burn -33.349155 116.273476
Harris River -33.349155 116.273476
Lyalls Mill -33.349155 116.273476
McAlinden -33.349155 116.273476
Muja -33.349155 116.273476
Mumballup -33.349155 116.273476
Mungalup -33.349155 116.273476
Noggerup -33.349155 116.273476
Palmer -33.349155 116.273476
Preston Settlement -33.349155 116.273476
Shotts -33.349155 116.273476
Worsley -33.349155 116.273476
Yourdamung Lake -33.349155 116.273476