
7315 is postal code in Tasmania Australia. The elevation of the place is 469 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Abbotsham -41.330334 146.065414
Castra -41.330334 146.065414
Gawler -41.330334 146.065414
Gunns Plains -41.330334 146.065414
Leith -41.330334 146.065414
Loongana -41.330334 146.065414
Nietta -41.330334 146.065414
North Motton -41.330334 146.065414
Preston -41.330334 146.065414
South Nietta -41.330334 146.065414
South Preston -41.330334 146.065414
Spalford -41.330334 146.065414
Sprent -41.330334 146.065414
Turners Beach -41.330334 146.065414
Ulverstone -41.330334 146.065414
Upper Castra -41.330334 146.065414
West Ulverstone -41.330334 146.065414