
7320 is postal code in Tasmania Australia. The elevation of the place is 138 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Acton(Burnie) -41.075863 145.898254
Brooklyn -41.075863 145.898254
Burnie -41.075863 145.898254
Camdale -41.075863 145.898254
Cooee -41.075863 145.898254
Downlands -41.075863 145.898254
Emu Heights -41.075863 145.898254
Havenview -41.075863 145.898254
Hillcrest -41.075863 145.898254
Montello -41.075863 145.898254
Ocean Vista -41.075863 145.898254
Park Grove -41.075863 145.898254
Parklands -41.075863 145.898254
Romaine -41.075863 145.898254
Round Hill -41.075863 145.898254
Shorewell Park -41.075863 145.898254
South Burnie -41.075863 145.898254
Upper Burnie -41.075863 145.898254
Wivenhoe -41.075863 145.898254