
51714 is postal code in Giza Egypt. The elevation of the place is 37 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Al Harrah 28.336941 29.079149
Bawiti 28.350691 28.86377
Qara 29.600849 26.47382
Siwa 28.80904 27.038059
Al Qalamon 25.552971 28.90984
Ar Rashidah 25.580959 28.93619
Budkhula 25.636921 28.912621
El Qasr 25.701269 28.881359
Ezbet Algeir 25.110319 30.557039
Ezbet Fiteima 25.675631 28.920309
Gourmashine 24.87752 30.564251
Ismant 25.521021 29.057329
Mut 25.48811 28.973209
Tunaydah 25.51029 29.33976