
83911 is postal code in Qena Egypt. The elevation of the place is 78 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Ad Dabiyah 25.632429 32.55204
Armant 25.66304 32.559559
Khuzam 25.7668 32.77903
El Karnak el Gadid 25.726431 32.66571
Gazirat el Awameyah 25.688629 32.635719
Luxor 25.702391 32.649391
Luxor(Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis) 25.73333 32.599998
Luxor(Hatshepsut's Temple) 25.747721 32.558819
Luxor(Karnak) 25.715521 32.651798
Luxor(Luxor Airport) 25.674999 32.7075
Luxor(Valley of the Kings) 25.713921 32.632172
Luxor(Valley of the Queens) 25.713921 32.63578
Madinat el Bayadyah 25.68416 32.643059
Madinat Luxor 25.69936 32.645828
Markaz Luxor 25.69582 32.619781
Markaz Shortet Tebaa 25.73068 32.690472
Thebes(Thebes) 25.700001 32.645