
3040 is postal code in Somali Ethiopia. The elevation of the place is 330 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Balbalaiar 5.27691 45.029099
Denan 6.50454 43.48914
Dibugur 6.34691 42.27438
Gabro 6.38288 43.329788
Gelhalali 6.71874 43.817829
Gode 5.88809 43.596298
Ididole 5.93461 43.531792
Ididole 5.93528 43.578602
Imi 6.45495 42.18539
Megwin 7.21938 43.230049
Melka Bafeta 6.75962 42.084648
Melka Teka 6.10308 43.022591
Obdamer 6.26608 42.745441