
7240 is postal code in Afar Ethiopia. The elevation of the place is 473 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Algeyta 9.46428 40.35857
Amibara 9.35 40.18
Arraha 9.64324 40.452751
Awash 8.98266 40.165379
Dedecha 9.14357 39.917542
Gawani 10.15767 40.645821
Teo 11.09797 40.75845
Teo 11.10006 40.579391
Trena 10.81488 40.654129
Alito 12.46807 40.983292
Ch'ifra 11.51057 40.056889
Dermadu 11.35223 40.095749
Dubti 11.74627 41.003448
Eli Wiha 11.25354 40.36982
Harbu 11.60044 40.019562
Logiya 11.85718 41.114201
Mile 11.41786 40.761478
Serdo 11.95084 41.313278
Tendaho 11.68656 40.952461