
20054 is postal code in Malé Maldives. The elevation of the place is 5 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
A D Villa 4.170852 73.515349
Azum 4.170852 73.515349
Choicia 4.170852 73.515349
Coliseum 4.170852 73.515349
Dheveli Kinaaraa 4.170852 73.515349
Eri 4.172151 73.509013
Fennaage 4.172151 73.509013
Filmy Sight 4.171383 73.516293
Green Weed 4.172151 73.509013
Handhuvaru 4.172151 73.509013
Huvadhoo 4.170852 73.515349
Janavaree Villa 4.172151 73.509013
Kolhala 4.171383 73.516293
Koveli -0.603573 73.084241
Malagas 4.170852 73.515349