
20070 is postal code in Malé Maldives. The elevation of the place is 9 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Aabaadhu 4.174652 73.514708
Arihiyaa 4.175186 73.509846
Cualiflower 4.185336 72.773029
Fothivaru 4.175212 73.514481
Furummaa 4.175212 73.514481
Furummaage 4.175212 73.514481
Garanbuge 4.185336 72.773029
Gasvaa 4.185336 72.773029
Green 4.175186 73.509846
Kelmia 4.185336 72.773029
Kuredhimaage 4.175186 73.509846
Lhoheege 4.175186 73.509846
Mayflower 4.185336 72.773029