
20189 is postal code in Malé Maldives. The elevation of the place is 7 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Aafini 6.624064 73.070991
Amfaa 6.624064 73.070991
Athamaa Store 4.178032 73.507885
Athamoo 6.624064 73.070991
Chandhanee Magu No. 14 4.175869 73.509317
Chandhanee Magu No. 16 4.175869 73.509317
Corona 6.624064 73.070991
D U T K No. 1 Fihaara 4.178032 73.507885
Dhanbuge 6.624064 73.070991
Dmk No. 2 4.175869 73.509317
Faaroshige 4.178032 73.507885
Femlin 6.624064 73.070991
Feymans 6.624064 73.070991
Fusion 6.624064 73.070991
Gold Hill 4.178032 73.507885
Hithahffinivaage 6.624064 73.070991
Kkm Building 4.178032 73.507885
M M I No. 2 Fihaara 4.178032 73.507885