
20289 is postal code in Malé Maldives. The elevation of the place is 6 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Aa Alimas 4.176434 73.503949
Addana 4.176434 73.503949
Dhaashin 4.176811 73.504891
Dheefram 4.176811 73.504891
Dheeframge 4.176811 73.504891
Enthiyaaz 2.338313 73.334652
Falak 4.176811 73.504891
Gaseemu 4.176679 73.505565
Golden Light 4.176434 73.503949
Gulsanpaage 4.176679 73.505565
Hinton 4.175097 73.504408
Honey Comb 4.176434 73.503949
Hudhuhimeri 4.176679 73.505565
Kaanikuri 4.176811 73.504891
Kanamadhu 4.176679 73.505565
Kudhehimaage 4.176811 73.504891
Lane Villa 4.176434 73.503949
Lonumidhilige 4.176811 73.504891
Maarehaa 4.176679 73.505565
Maleesa 4.176811 73.504891