
28767 is postal code in Colima Mexico. The elevation of the place is 957.5 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
El Barro 19.413315 -104.046638
El Bonete 19.418859 -104.019976
Establo las Villas 19.407631 -104.044094
Ismael Figueroa 19.393013 -104.043705
La Joya 19.398197 -104.036154
La Joya de Afuera 19.405403 -104.040617
La Minita 19.413995 -104.015864
La Palmita 19.399033 -104.045955
Las Higueras 19.412479 -104.041808
Las Villas 19.403124 -104.048953
Minatitlán 19.301944 -104.153333
Minatitlán 19.425556 -104.023333
San Antonio 19.425556 -104.023333