
32783 is postal code in Chihuahua Mexico. The elevation of the place is 1078 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Bellavista 31.359178 -105.980771
Fronteras 31.338484 -105.983079
Hermanas Campos 31.340456 -105.980501
Jesús Jiménez 31.334752 -105.974265
Los Gabrieles 31.344892 -105.986474
Los Gabrieles (Rancho Varela) 31.341502 -105.983779
Miguel Martínez (Los Migueles) 31.346358 -106.004584
Praxedis G. Guerrero 31.338457 -105.983304
Rancho Jiménez 31.341166 -105.977391
Rancho San Antonio (Las Anas) 31.330925 -105.995978
Rancho Tres Caballos 31.351009 -105.982209
San Antonio 31.332636 -105.992166