
42383 is postal code in Hidalgo Mexico. The elevation of the place is 1718.5 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Bondhí 20.532504 -99.295721
El Durazno 20.47417 -99.319549
Juchitlán 20.547921 -99.288011
La Vega 20.543908 -99.296524
Motho 20.536131 -99.282237
Portezuelo 20.487601 -99.306757
Rinconada 20.522748 -99.30075
San Miguel 20.553592 -99.291658
Santiago Ixtlahuaca 20.500939 -99.324583
Tasquillo 20.532364 -99.295694
Tasquillo 20.473871 -99.319453
Tasquillo 20.54859 -99.28925
Tasquillo 20.543893 -99.296613
Tasquillo 20.533358 -99.282108
Tasquillo 20.487224 -99.306484
Tasquillo 20.522402 -99.299699
Tasquillo 20.552839 -99.291825
Tasquillo 20.501258 -99.324349