
9810 is postal code in Otago New Zealand. The elevation of the place is 15 m.

Locality Latitude Longitude
Waverley -45.873477 170.513301
Anderson Park -46.356391 168.351467
Ascot -46.393709 168.40146
Avenal -46.401967 168.347657
Gladstone -46.393118 168.352044
Glengarry -46.403009 168.381867
Grasmere -46.383565 168.34028
Hargest -46.388156 168.37883
Hawthorndale -46.41056 168.385741
Invercargill Airport -46.424041 168.323836
Invercargill Central -46.411575 168.352209
Invercargill West -46.415728 168.347428
Lorneville -46.358831 168.341994
Prestonville -46.385149 168.350859
Queens Park -46.402178 168.354577
Richmond -46.406682 168.367577
Rosedale -46.389112 168.368179
Turnbull Thomson -46.415982 168.366341
Waihopai -46.388661 168.396607
Waikiwi -46.376064 168.350389
Waverley -46.394406 168.377499
Windsor -46.397142 168.369071