
15101 is postal code in Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan. The elevation of the place is 2451 m.

Gilgit Baltistan
Locality Latitude Longitude
Bubar 35.244999 73.990999
Ghulāpur 32.116999 73.066999
Jagir Basin 35.244999 73.990999
Jaglote Sai 35.244999 73.990999
Jutal 36.049999 74.316999
Mināwar 35.883 74.433
Naltar 35.244999 73.990999
Nomal 36.073 74.254
Rahimābād 35.244999 73.990999
Sassi 35.244999 73.990999
Sher Qilla 35.244999 73.990999
Shyrote 35.244999 73.990999
Singal 36.1 73.882999