
736 is postal code in Kŭhistoni Badakhshon Tajikistan. The elevation of the place is 2275 m.

Kŭhistoni Badakhshon
Locality Latitude Longitude
Barchadiv 38.295441 72.477547
Dastkhuf 37.859661 71.604591
Dzharty-Gumbez 37.558998 74.142151
Dzhilyandy 37.577221 72.588501
Gunt 37.721371 72.073189
Ishkashim 36.733299 71.616699
Ishkashim(Ishkashim Airport) 36.745499 71.613998
Kevron 38.471161 70.870331
Kevron(Kalai-Khumb Airport) 38.4566 70.816597
Khargush 37.377831 73.116699
Khorog 37.486721 71.54985
Khorugh 37.5 71.599998
Kyzylrabot 37.456902 74.711731
Markansu 39.293781 73.336769
Murgab 38.165058 73.953491
Murghab 38.166698 73.983299
Murghab(Murgab Airport) 38.197399 74.024399
Rabot 38.5667 70.800003
Rang-Kul' 38.476501 74.380051
Rosht-Kala 37.266701 71.816704
Rovand 38.579269 71.839691
Rubot 37.35923 72.31044
Rushan 37.950001 71.550003
Shaymak 37.535671 74.82254
Shudzhand 37.983299 71.616699
Tokhtamysh 37.82925 74.64209
Toktomush 37.833302 74.633301
Vanch 38.383301 71.433296
Vanch(Vanch Airport) 38.367401 71.459602
Vankala 37.711201 72.27697