
2054 is postal code in Ben Arous Tunisia. The elevation of the place is 0 m.

Ben Arous
Locality Latitude Longitude
Ain Regad 36.71687 10.361829
Barrouta 36.71687 10.361829
Bir Jedid 36.71687 10.361829
El Gounna 36.71687 10.361829
Henchir Kharrouba 36.71687 10.361829
Khelidia 36.71687 10.361829
Kouenjel 36.71687 10.361829
Sidi Messaoud 36.71687 10.361829
Sidi Othman Landari 36.71687 10.361829
Sondage 36.71687 10.361829