
42520 is postal code in Sumy oblast Ukraine. The elevation of the place is 1024 m.

Sumy oblast
Locality Latitude Longitude
Antonenkove 37.503078 32.672952
Holuby 37.503078 32.672952
Karptsi 37.503078 32.672952
Kuplevakha 37.503078 32.672952
Marianivka 37.503078 32.672952
Nesterenky 37.503078 32.672952
Novosemenivka 37.503078 32.672952
Oleshchenkove 37.503078 32.672952
Peremoha 37.503078 32.672952
Rudoman 37.503078 32.672952
Sai 37.503078 32.672952