
5114 is postal code in South Australia Australia. The elevation of the place is 210 m.

South Australia
Locality Latitude Longitude
Andrews Farm -34.705681 138.749558
Blakeview -34.705681 138.749558
Craigmore -34.705681 138.749558
Gould Creek -34.705681 138.749558
Humbug Scrub -34.705681 138.749558
One Tree Hill -34.705681 138.749558
Sampson Flat -34.705681 138.749558
Smithfield -34.705681 138.749558
Smithfield Plains -34.705681 138.749558
Smithfield West -34.705681 138.749558
Uleybury -34.705681 138.749558
Yattalunga -34.705681 138.749558