
5153 is postal code in South Australia Australia. The elevation of the place is 367 m.

South Australia
Locality Latitude Longitude
Biggs Flat -35.110374 138.77681
Bradbury -35.110374 138.77681
Chapel Hill -35.110374 138.77681
Echunga -35.110374 138.77681
Flaxley -35.110374 138.77681
Green Hills Range -35.110374 138.77681
Heathfield -35.110374 138.77681
Ironbank -35.110374 138.77681
Jupiter Creek -35.110374 138.77681
Longwood -35.110374 138.77681
Macclesfield -35.110374 138.77681
Mylor -35.110374 138.77681
Scott Creek -35.110374 138.77681