
5172 is postal code in South Australia Australia. The elevation of the place is 377 m.

South Australia
Locality Latitude Longitude
Dingabledinga -35.265736 138.606903
Hope Forest -35.265736 138.606903
Kuitpo Colony -35.265736 138.606903
Kyeema -35.265736 138.606903
Montarra -35.265736 138.606903
Pages Flat -35.265736 138.606903
The Range -35.265736 138.606903
Whites Valley -35.265736 138.606903
Willunga -35.265736 138.606903
Willunga Hill -35.265736 138.606903
Willunga South -35.265736 138.606903
Yundi -35.265736 138.606903