
5253 is postal code in South Australia Australia. The elevation of the place is 58 m.

South Australia
Locality Latitude Longitude
Avoca Dell -35.108658 139.38797
Brinkley -35.108658 139.38797
Burdett -35.108658 139.38797
Chapman Bore -35.108658 139.38797
Ettrick -35.108658 139.38797
Gifford Hill -35.108658 139.38797
Greenbanks -35.108658 139.38797
Long Flat -35.108658 139.38797
Mobilong -35.108658 139.38797
Monteith -35.108658 139.38797
Murrawong -35.108658 139.38797
Murray Bridge -35.108658 139.38797
Murray Bridge East -35.108658 139.38797
Murray Bridge North -35.108658 139.38797
Murray Bridge South -35.108658 139.38797
Northern Heights -35.108658 139.38797
Riverglades -35.108658 139.38797
Riverglen -35.108658 139.38797
Sunnyside -35.108658 139.38797
Swanport -35.108658 139.38797
Toora -35.108658 139.38797
White Sands -35.108658 139.38797
Willow Banks -35.108658 139.38797
Woods Point -35.108658 139.38797