
5320 is postal code in South Australia Australia. The elevation of the place is 79 m.

South Australia
Locality Latitude Longitude
Beatty -34.043053 139.534851
Beaumonts -34.043053 139.534851
Brenda Park -34.043053 139.534851
Bundey -34.043053 139.534851
Eba -34.043053 139.534851
Lindley -34.043053 139.534851
Maude -34.043053 139.534851
Morgan -34.043053 139.534851
Morphetts Flat -34.043053 139.534851
Murbko -34.043053 139.534851
North West Bend -34.043053 139.534851
Stuart -34.043053 139.534851
Westons Flat -34.043053 139.534851
Wombats Rest -34.043053 139.534851