
5330 is postal code in South Australia Australia. The elevation of the place is 55 m.

South Australia
Locality Latitude Longitude
Boolgun -34.202331 140.08429
Devlins Pound -34.202331 140.08429
Good Hope Landing -34.202331 140.08429
Hawks Nest Station -34.202331 140.08429
Holder -34.202331 140.08429
Holder Siding -34.202331 140.08429
Kanni -34.202331 140.08429
Lowbank -34.202331 140.08429
Markaranka -34.202331 140.08429
Overland Corner -34.202331 140.08429
Pooginook -34.202331 140.08429
Stockyard Plain -34.202331 140.08429
Taylorville -34.202331 140.08429
Taylorville Station -34.202331 140.08429
Waikerie -34.202331 140.08429
Wigley Flat -34.202331 140.08429
Woolpunda -34.202331 140.08429