
5353 is postal code in South Australia Australia. The elevation of the place is 128 m.

South Australia
Locality Latitude Longitude
Angaston -34.593693 139.27385
Black Hill -34.593693 139.27385
Cambrai -34.593693 139.27385
Keyneton -34.593693 139.27385
Kongolia -34.593693 139.27385
Langs Landing -34.593693 139.27385
Marks Landing -34.593693 139.27385
Moculta -34.593693 139.27385
Mount Mckenzie -34.593693 139.27385
Penrice -34.593693 139.27385
Punyelroo -34.593693 139.27385
Sedan -34.593693 139.27385
Sunnydale -34.593693 139.27385
Towitta -34.593693 139.27385