
5501 is postal code in South Australia Australia. The elevation of the place is 26 m.

South Australia
Locality Latitude Longitude
Avon -34.463776 138.427704
Calomba -34.463776 138.427704
Dublin -34.463776 138.427704
Lewiston -34.463776 138.427704
Long Plains -34.463776 138.427704
Lower Light -34.463776 138.427704
Middle Beach -34.463776 138.427704
Parham -34.463776 138.427704
Port Gawler -34.463776 138.427704
Thompson Beach -34.463776 138.427704
Two Wells -34.463776 138.427704
Webb Beach -34.463776 138.427704
Wild Horse Plains -34.463776 138.427704
Windsor -34.463776 138.427704