
5641 is postal code in South Australia Australia. The elevation of the place is 193 m.

South Australia
Locality Latitude Longitude
Barna -33.048023 136.145782
Buckleboo -33.048023 136.145782
Bungeroo -33.048023 136.145782
Caralue -33.048023 136.145782
Cortlinye -33.048023 136.145782
Cunyarie -33.048023 136.145782
Kelly -33.048023 136.145782
Kimba -33.048023 136.145782
Moseley -33.048023 136.145782
Panitya -33.048023 136.145782
Pinkawillinie -33.048023 136.145782
Solomon -33.048023 136.145782
Wilcherry -33.048023 136.145782
Yalanda -33.048023 136.145782
Yeltana -33.048023 136.145782