
5713 is postal code in South Australia Australia. The elevation of the place is 4 m.

South Australia
Locality Latitude Longitude
Emeroo -34.833301 150.616699
Island Lagoon -34.833301 150.616699
Kootaberra -34.833301 150.616699
Lake Torrens -34.833301 150.616699
Lake Torrens Station -34.833301 150.616699
Mount Arden -34.833301 150.616699
Oakden Hills -34.833301 150.616699
Pernatty -34.833301 150.616699
South Gap -34.833301 150.616699
Wallerberdina -34.833301 150.616699
Wilkatana Station -34.833301 150.616699
Wintabatinyana -34.833301 150.616699
Yadlamalka -34.833301 150.616699