
5731 is postal code in South Australia Australia. The elevation of the place is 32 m.

South Australia
Locality Latitude Longitude
Bollards Lagoon -28.375479 140.225143
Coopers Creek -28.375479 140.225143
Cordillo Downs -28.375479 140.225143
Gidgealpa -28.375479 140.225143
Innamincka -28.375479 140.225143
Leigh Creek -28.375479 140.225143
Leigh Creek Station -28.375479 140.225143
Lindon -28.375479 140.225143
Lyndhurst -28.375479 140.225143
Merty Merty -28.375479 140.225143
Mount Freeling -28.375479 140.225143
Mount Lyndhurst -28.375479 140.225143
Mulgaria -28.375479 140.225143
Murnpeowie -28.375479 140.225143
Myrtle Springs -28.375479 140.225143
Strzelecki Desert -28.375479 140.225143
Witchelina -28.375479 140.225143