Luxor Postal Codes

Locality Lat. Long. Elevation Postal Code Locality Lat. Long. Elevation Postal Code
El Karnak el Gadid 25.726431 32.66571 80 m 83911 Gazirat el Awameyah 25.688629 32.635719 86 m 83911
Luxor 25.702391 32.649391 85 m 83911 Luxor (Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis) 25.73333 32.599998 227 m 83911
Luxor (Hatshepsut's Temple) 25.747721 32.558819 185 m 83911 Luxor (Karnak) 25.715521 32.651798 82 m 83911
Luxor (Luxor Airport) 25.674999 32.7075 86 m 83911 Luxor (Valley of the Kings) 25.713921 32.632172 75 m 83911
Luxor (Valley of the Queens) 25.713921 32.63578 81 m 83911 Madinat el Bayadyah 25.68416 32.643059 82 m 83911
Madinat Luxor 25.69936 32.645828 88 m 83911 Markaz Luxor 25.69582 32.619781 83 m 83911
Markaz Shortet Tebaa 25.73068 32.690472 78 m 83911 Thebes (Thebes) 25.700001 32.645 86 m 83911

Luxor is an Administrative divisions in Egypt.
