
26614 is postal code in Blue Nile Sudan. The elevation of the place is 524 m.

Blue Nile
Locality Latitude Longitude
Abo Maugud 10.20405 33.965961
Ad Damazin 10.42014 34.101589
Bikori 11.07283 34.667301
Chali El Arab 10.27302 34.058151
Fabundo 10.76778 34.795368
Fanziger 10.7959 34.443378
Kayli 10.84428 34.319962
Kurmuk 10.57557 34.241718
Murtissouro 10.23955 34.106731
Ulu 10.71725 33.492641
Wadega 10.49396 33.905441