
51112 is postal code in North Kordofan Sudan. The elevation of the place is 529 m.

North Kordofan
Locality Latitude Longitude
Abo Shawk 13.93852 31.09458
Abu Dellum Al Ama 13.91256 30.20063
Abu Hadid As Subhani 14.61746 30.156679
Adusa 13.89433 30.845579
Al Bahriyah 13.84241 30.64443
Al Bashiri 13.80021 30.18557
Al Hagagia 14.09101 31.06716
Al Ubayyid 14.95699 30.92873
Bara 13.69886 30.37529
Barakin 14.45627 30.18539
Biheil 14.31824 30.87648
Um Kiredim 13.7096 29.81529
Umm Harazat 13.51583 30.112909